Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Dream Home

      Happy Tuesday! Recently I've been thinking a lot about my future, and hopefully a house is involved. I've always loved looking through home magazines; I think your home says a lot about who you are. A house is more than just where you live, you make memories and live your life in your house. If I could live anywhere (in the U.S.) after college, I think it would be somewhere in the Carolinas. I've heard South Carolina has better beaches, so maybe I'd prefer to live there. I've never actually been to either of these states, but they seem very charming and Southern. Also, I would love to live by the ocean after spending my entire life in land-locked Kansas!

All of these pictures and more can be found on my Pinterest board.
Here are  my favorites! 

So bright and cheerful!

I love the combination of traditional furniture with modern art.

Pink and gold walls


So Scottish

Brick kitchens are so beautiful.

And finally...(drumroll, please)...my dream home! Perfection.

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