Thursday, June 13, 2013


      Happy Thursday! I'm so ready for this week to be over; on Saturday my friend and I are hosting a "Downton Abbey" themed dinner party, and I'm so excited. Party planning is my favorite thing ever. Work was extremely long, but my day significantly improved when I got home because I got my third Birchbox! For those of you who don't know what a Birchbox is, it's this adorable little box that arrives on your step once a month, and it's packed full with beauty products. I got the three-month subscription for my birthday, but I'm thinking I'm going to have to get a full subscription. I've never been disappointed by what's in the box; it always goes above my expectations. It's great for me because I don't really like to go out and buy beauty products because they're usually pretty pricey and I don't want to spend a bunch of money on something that irritates my sensitive skin. Here's what I got in today's Birchbox:

The adorable little box.

This month's theme: Wanderlust

Everything in the box!

This month's box came with the cutest postcards!
In the box:
1. Antica Farmacista: body moisturizer in grapefruit from Italy
2. Birchbox + Color Club: Neon pastel nail polish. Mine is called "Pardon My French"
3. Mirinesse: Glossy Kiss Lipstick
5. suki: Exfoliate Foaming Cleanser
6. Glee Gum

      I can't wait to try everything!

Keep it classy,

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