Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Day in the Life

      Happy Wednesday! I hope you all have had a fabulous week so far! I definitely like my work schedule for this week better than last week; this week I'm doing 7:15 to 12:45, which is super early but I like having pretty much to whole day to myself!
      Maybe I'm really nosy, but I always love reading posts about "a day in the life" of the blogger; it's like a glimpse into how someone else lives, and you can compare it to your own life. Similarly, I like "what's in my bag" posts and "my home/apartment" posts. I thought I'd give you a little glimpse into my life during the summer, even though it's not nearly as interesting as most. This is just an example for today, because obviously each day is different during the summer (which is what I like most about it!).

6:00 a.m. Wake up, take out my retainer, wash my face

6:15 a.m. Eat breakfast (usually cereal and yogurt with green tea)

6:30 a.m. Do hair/make up (very minimal during the summer)

6:45 Get dressed

6:50 Leave for work

7:15 Arrive at work

12:45 Go home

1:15 Eat lunch (today was an egg salad sandwich and a yogurt)

1:30 Watch Friends (BEST. SHOW. EVER.)

3:00 Go to the pool -- today didn't involve a work out; instead I worked on my tan :)

5:30 Babysit

9:30 Blog post!

10:15 Sleep

      What do you think about today's schedule? What's your average day like? Let me know!

Keep it classy,

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