Sunday, June 2, 2013

Flower Power

      Happy Sunday! Recently, I've been seeing a lot of one of my favorite things: flowers. People are taking pictures of them and posting them on Instagram, they're in full bloom everywhere I go, and they're in some of the new Lilly prints! I've never been much of a gardener, but these beautiful blossoms have inspired me to maybe try growing some in my front yard! I hope it's not too late in the year to plant flowers! We have some pretty roses and honeysuckle growing on our fence and they smell heavenly. I took some pictures of them:

Aren't they so lovely? I think flowers are some of nature's simple beauties. The roses and honeysuckle are gorgeous, but I think my absolute favorite flowers have to be peonies and hydrangeas.
Pink Peonies

White Hydrangeas
I don't know if I'd be able to grow these kinds of flowers, though. Maybe I ought to just stick with the basic petunias? What are your favorite flowers?

Keep it classy,

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